Below is a list of events for April! We hope to see you there!
Fri., Apr. 4: Mom's Night Out -- "tea & tour" of Balance Acupuncture and viewing of Two Angry Moms (meet @ 6pm for tour, movie starts @ 7pm). More info will be forthcoming! Stay tuned to the loop!
Monday April 7th: Immunity and Wellness Meeting: 6:30pm, at Carol's house, stay tuned to loop for directions. For more info on the group contact Therese at 585-461-2418.
Monday April 14th: Monthly meeting: Kathleen Siebold: Reggio Emilia philosophy; an overview and discussion on bringing Reggio inspired activities into your home. (6:30pm)
Mon., Apr. 21: Book club meeting -- magazine, title TBD (7:30pm, location TBD)
*Regular meeting place is: 36 S. Main St, Christ Episcopal Church, Pittsford, 14534. Meetings start at 6:30pm. Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month. Stay tuned for upcoming meetings and events!